lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016




COLOURS (colores)

1. Colours games1.
2. Colours games2.
3. Colours listening memory game.
4. Colours game3. 
5. The day the crayons quit. (animated story).

NUMBERS (números)

1. Numbers games1.
2. Numbers games2.
3. Numbers and colours memory game. 
4. Numbers 1 to 10 listening memory game.
5. Numbers 10 to 20 listening memory game.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES (material escolar)

1. The classroom games.
2. School, supplies and subject games.
3. School supplies memory game1.
4. School supplies memory game2.
5. School games.

TOYS (juguetes)

1. Toys and numbers games.
2. Toys vocabulary memory game1.
3. Toys vocabulary memory game2.
4. Dangerous toys video.
5. Old or new toys?.
6. Types of toys.
7. Toys games.

SHAPES (formas geométricas)

1. Shapes memory game.
2. Shapes and colours memory game.

ANIMALS (animales)

1. Animals games1.
2. Farm animals memory game.
3. Pets memory game.
4. Pets memory game2.
5. Zoo animals memory game.
6. Zoo animals description memory game.
7. Zoo animals memory game2.
8. Animals games2.
9. British Council animal games and songs.
10. Identipet game.
11. Spot the dragon game.
12. Animal book story.
13. Yes, I can! song.
14. Bremen town musicians tale.
15. Grandpa's farm story.
16. The ugly duckling tale.
17. Two monkeys story.
18. Domestic animals games.
19. Pets games.
20. Wild animals games.

MEANS OF TRANSPORT (medios de transporte)

1. Vehicles vocabulary.
2. The wheels on the bus song.
3. Means of transport video.
4. Transport game1.
5. Transportation games.
6. Transportation vocabulary memory game1.
7. Transportation vocabulary memory game2.
8. Eric the engine story.
9. Means of transport sounds.
10. Transport game2.
11. Road safety game.
12. British council transport games.
13. Transport games3.

ACTIONS (verbos de acciones)

1. Actions verbs memory game1. 
2. Actions verbs memory game2.
3. Actions verbs memory game3 (I can).

FAMILY MEMBERS (miembros de la familia)

1. Family members activities.
2. Family games1.
3. My family book.
4. Family hangman game.
5. Family members wordsearch game.
6. My dad story.
7. Tooth family song.
8. Family game2.
9. Goldilocks and the three bears tale.
10. Birthday and age vocabulary game.

CLOTHES (prendas de vestir)

1. Put on your shoes song.
2. Clothes games1.
3. Clothes games2.
4. Clothes memory game.
5. The emperor's new clothes tale.
6. The blue-lined socks.
7. My clothes with sentences song.
8. My clothes with sentences song2.
9. Clothes memory game2.
10. Colour the clothes game.
11. Teddy dresser game.
12. Match the kit game.
13. My favourite clothes story.
14. Clothes hangman game.
15. Winter clothes sentence game.
16. Clothes memory game3.
17. Trainers video.
18. Don't put your trousers on your head song.
19. Paint it winter clothes game.
20. Many clothes games and activities.

FEELINGS (sentimientos o estados de ánimo) 

1. Feelings vocabulary.

FOOD AND LIKES/DISLIKES (comida y expresiones sobre gustos)

1. Do you like broccoli? chant.
2. Food and drinks games.
3. Food and drinks games2.
4. Fruit and vegetables games.
5. Food vocabulary memory game.
6. Fruit vocabulary memory game.
7. Vegetables vocabulary memory game.
8. Feed the monster game.
9. Video about food and drinks.
10. Food memory game2.
11. Fruit memory game2.
12. Vegetables memory game2.
13. Fruit or vegetable 1.
14. The greedy hippo story.
15. Writing food game.
16. Fruit hangman game.
17. Pizza and chips song.
18. Fruit or vegetable 2.
19. Fruit memory game3.
20. The hungry dragon story.
21. Chocolate cake song.
22. Healthy eating game.
23. Food games.
24. Fruit games.
25. Vegetables games.
26. Drinks games.

ALPHABET (el alfabeto)

1. The alphabet chant.

PHONICS (enseñar fonemas y sonidos)

1. Phonics A to I song.
2. Phonics J to R song.
3. Phonics R to Z song.
4. Phonics games and activities.
5. Phonics sounds.
6. Phonics games.
7. Phonics videos.

FESTIVALS (festivales)


1. Halloween vocabulary games.
2. Halloween games, activities, songs and stories.
3. Meg and Mog chapters.
4. Halloween songs.
5. Hello, it's Halloween song.
6. Halloween vocabulary.
7. The skeleton dance song.

Thanksgiving's day (día de acción de gracias)

1. Thank you for Thanksgiving song.
2. A bilingual Thanksgiving song.
3. Thanksgiving dinner song.
4. Ten little turkeys song.
5. Thanksgiving feast song.
6. The story of Thanksgiving.
7. Gobble Gobble Turkey song.

Christmas (Navidad)

1. Christmas vocabulary games.
2. Christmas activities and games.
3. Jingle bells song.
4. I'm a little snowman song.
5. Santa, where are you? song.
6. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
7. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.

Saint Patrick's Day (Día de San Patricio)

1. Dance Leprechaun song.
2. St. Patrick's Day song.
3. G-R-E-E-N song.
4. Little Leprechaun song.
5. St Patrick's Day games.

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